Encryption Assessment

We utilize a custom framework for each encryption assessment based on NIST, FIPS 140-2, GDPR, PCI DSS standards and best practices. The assessment identifies areas with security gaps that need improvement and recommends ways to mitigate pitfalls.

Encryption Assessment

Overview Of Our Service

Overview Of Our Service

We help you identify and understand the capabilities, limitations, and maturity of your organization’s current data protection landscape. We review your existing policy and process documents, requirements matrix, data security controls, regulatory requirements, and industry standards and provide recommendations for the identified gaps. Our assessment provides a clear direction for your future investments.

Our Strategic Objectives

Review existing data classification policies and standards and create technical and governance data encryption requirements that apply to various data platforms and projects based on the data classification level.

Build an implementation roadmap to remediate the identified control gaps and design use cases to facilitate selecting and evaluating potential encryption and other data protection solutions.

Understand the flow of sensitive (PHI, PII, PCI) data, evaluate existing data encryption capabilities, and identify areas for improvement.

Our Approach

  • We meet with your key stakeholders to understand the high-risk data.
  • We review the current encryption implementation against industry standards and best practices to ensure that the high-risk data is encrypted per industry standards such as FIPS 140-2, NIST, and more.
  • Gain an understanding of the current state, including challenges and use cases.
  • Define a strategy and roadmap to deploy encryption capabilities across the customer's environment.
Our Approach
Scope of Service

Scope of Service

  • Define the scope of the project and identify the key stakeholders.
  • Develop a thorough project plan.
  • Identify and collect supporting documentation and materials.
  • Develop the framework for data protection and design assessment questionnaires.
  • We conduct in-depth training sessions and workshops for detailed knowledge sessions.

Our Project Timeline

We aim to execute the project in the most efficient manner and timeframe. To achieve this, we structure the project approach to perform activities in parallel where feasible to optimize the process.

Our Project Timeline

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